Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What to make on "one of those days"

So today was one of those days when I didn't pull out meat ahead of time, the veggies are running low and I almost went the box-a-roni, or frozen nuggets.

The bug fell asleep in the car on the way home from school and will sleep all night. The bot was at grandma's and ate before coming home. This is so one of those nights, when quick and easy is required.

So as I thought of all of you out there in cyber-space and not wanting to let you down. I thought of something to make.

Smoothies or AKA banana shakes.

When ever the bananas are getting brown, we throw them in the freezer, skin and all. Nothing else- just in they go, into the cold abyss.

We peeled off the skin and stuck 2 of those bad boys in the magic bullet with some frozen peaches, a dollop of milk and a few spoonfuls of vanilla yogurt and Voila dinner.

Okay- really my hunny made this while I was sword fighting with my son. He was the good guy. We traded which good guy he was throughout the fight, but watch out he has a mean overhead slash.

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