Saturday, October 29, 2011

'Twas the Saturday before Halloween

So of course we carved our pumpkins today. I will upload pictures as soon as I find the camera cable.

My favorite part of carving pumpkins. The seeds of course. I love pumpkins seeds.

We made two kinds Cinnamon Sugar and Spicy.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Heat oven to 350 degrees

First wash off most of the pumpkin strings, some makes them taste good.
Put them in a single layer on a sheet pan.

*Follow here for cinnamon-

Sprinkle on a generous layer of cinnamon sugar.

Cook on bottom rack for quickest time. It took about 20-30 minutes for ours, but pumpkins seeds vary in water content. They should be crispy and not too sticky.

*Follow here for spicy-

Sprinkle a skimpy layer of a cajun type seasoning, and we also mixed in a bit of greek seasoning (it it my favorite, we use it a lot)

Cook about 15-25 minutes, this one cooked faster for some reason. I am not sure if it is because the sugar makes it sticky and that has to get hot enough to be not sticky, or possibly because they dried longer while the others were in the oven.

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